Eid Message for SeekersGuidance Team, Volunteers, and Supporters

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, dear teachers, managers, staff, volunteers, & supporters

I pray this finds you in the best of health and spirits. Eid Mubarak. May Allah Most High accept our worship, actions, and service–out of His Generosity, Favorite, Kindness, and Mercy, and not out of any deservingness on our part. Ya Rabb! We are in desperate need of Your good, and You are indeed the Most Generous and Most Merciful.
May Allah grant us steadfastness, sincerity, consistency, commitment, and an urgent sense of concern for Him and for His servants. And may He make our efforts in spreading benecial religious knowledge a means for spreading the light of Prophetic guidance. May Allah love you, your loved ones, and us as He loves the most beloved of His servants.
Eid refers to “that which returns.” May we be of the those ever-turning and ever-returning to Allah, on the footsteps of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him & his folk).
Faraz Rabbani
Educational Director, SeekersGuidance


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